9 OOAK Louise Pleated Wristlets
Amy Butler's Style Stitches Origami Bag Set - 6 Pouches (50% finished)
Organizing my OUT OF CONTROL Fabric Stash (5% complete) *NEW THIS WEEK
Advent Calender Quilt (Process of Quilting, 5% complete)
Other Random Projects: (These are not counted in my weekly stats!)
A Box Full of Alterations and Random "Fix It" Projects.
Roughly 150 + Items that are Finished and Need to Be Photographed for my Shop.
New Projects - 1
Completed Projects - 9
Currently in Progress - 8
Bottled Rainbows Ticker Tape Quilt Along
Making a Light Box
A Cathedral Window Quilt
Cutting into the Stack of Home Dec Fabric I just received to make Mary Rose Clutches.
Sock Monkey Quilt
Denyse Schmidt Home Dec Fabric Wall Hanging Quilt
Making a bunch of clutches from a new pattern that I have purchased.
Sewing for myself a bunch of new tops/shirts.