Do you ever have that moment when the stars align and everything comes into place, and you realize that sometimes you just have to delegate that task that isn't getting done, or you just plain don't like doing? Well it happened to me this past week and now that I have taken the plunge and decided to do it, I feel so much better, a burden has been lifted! What am I talking about? My Advent Calender Quilt. It has been sitting on my work desk since November, basted together and just staring at me every day. Now that the holidays have past, I don't have the motivation to work on it, honestly I don't mind quilting, but with a three year old constantly jumping all over me, lately I haven't enjoyed that task as much as I used to. I don't think anyone likes being repeatedly poked with pins and needles! So when things fell into place and I found someone to machine quilt it for me, I bit the bullet, packaged that baby up and shipped it off for someone else to work on! Whew! I am so glad to have that quilt off of my work station! In a month or two when it has returned home, all I will have to do is sew on the binding. Letting go and realizing that I can't be Super Woman all of the time (just most of the time) has been really freeing and I would highly recommend it!
Amy Butler's Style Stitches Origami Bag Set - 4 Pouches
Organizing my OUT OF CONTROL Fabric Stash (55% complete)
Bottled Rainbows Ticker Tape Quilt-Along
Advent Calender Quilt (Off to be Machine Quilted)
Other Random Projects: (These are not counted in my weekly stats!)
A Box Full of Alterations and Random "Fix It" Projects.
Roughly 150 + Items that are Finished and Need to Be Photographed for my Shop.
New Projects - 0
Completed Projects - 4
Currently in Progress - 3 (This number was 20 just over a month ago!)
Making a Light Box
A Cathedral Window Quilt
Cutting into the stack of Home Dec fabric I just received to make Mary Rose Clutches.
Sock Monkey Quilt
Denyse Schmidt Home Dec Fabric Wall Hanging Quilt
Making a bunch of clutches from a new pattern that I have purchased.
Sewing for myself a bunch of new tops/shirts.
A quilt using my new collection of Sherbet Pips.
Considering the Super-Nova Quilt-Along (Am I CRAZY!) *NEW THIS WEEK