I started several new projects (is anyone surprised? No, I suspect not!) I bought a lovely vintage sheet kit that makes up a super cute wreath, and then you can adorn it with things like fabric flowers. you can see my progress below. I am halfway through my first fabric flower, and now I remember why I hate making those babies. Needless to say, that one had several spots of blood hidden inside. Ouch!
I started pulling fabric for two of my Bees that my chosen month is quickly approaching (one in July and the other in August.) The Christmas fabric below is what I will be using for the Christmas Fabric Bee, I have all that I need, except for the main fabric. I am on the lookout for a great gold print and if anyone has an ideas, I would love to hear them!
Amy Butler's Style Stitches Perfectly Pleated Pouch
Lisette Portfolio Tunic
Bee Connected Blocks
Organizing my OUT OF CONTROL Fabric Stash (65% complete)
Bottled Rainbows Ticker Tape Quilt-Along (5 of 16 blocks complete)
Lily's Quilts Quilt-Along (Using Sherbet Pips)
Making a Light Box (Supplies bought, partly assembled)
Sewing (for myself) a few tops/shirts. (1 down, several more to go!)
Vintage Sheet Wreath and Rosettes ***New this Week!
Quilt Bees ***New this Week!
Other Random Projects: (These are not counted in my weekly stats!)
A Box Full of Alterations and Random "Fix It" Projects.
Roughly 150 + Items that are Finished and Need to Be Photographed for my Shop.
New Projects - 2
Completed Projects - 1 (The other two weren't on my list.)
Currently in Progress - 7
A Cathedral Window Quilt (Taking this off the list, way to much work and ironing!)
Cutting into the stack of Home Dec fabric to make Mary Rose Clutches.
Sock Monkey Quilt
Denyse Schmidt Home Dec Fabric Wall Hanging Quilt
Making a bunch of clutches from a new pattern that I have purchased.