Speaking of my bun in the oven, for those of you whom I haven't shared our news with yet, we found out a few weeks ago that we are having a little boy! We are excited that our son will have a baby brother to pick on and someone to play "cars" with. The photo below was taken while we were on vacation in Destin, Florida a few weeks ago, so please excuse the frizzy hair and lack of make-up! I just wanted to show you guys my growing baby bump, and even in the two weeks since this photo was taken, I swear it seems to have doubled! Anyways.... on to my WIP rundown....
Kaleidoscope Quilt-Along
Organizing my OUT OF CONTROL Fabric Stash (98% complete)
Bottled Rainbows Ticker Tape Quilt-Along (5 of 16 blocks complete)
Lily's Quilts Quilt-Along (Using Sherbet Pips)
Making a Light Box & Photographing 150+ Items (Supplies bought, partly assembled)
Sewing (for myself) a few tops/shirts. (2 down, several more to go!)
Sock Skeletons (80% complete)
Amy Butler's Style Stitches Blossom Shoulder Bag - NEW
2 Uber Large Handbags (cut out)
Quilt Bee Blocks
Christmas Scrapbuster Swap - NEW
Christmas Table Runner - NEW
Stockings for Kids Donation Project - NEW
Baby Boy Quilt for my Nephew - NEW
New Projects - 5
Completed Projects - 1
Currently in Progress - 15
Amy Butler's Style Stitches Everything Wristlet
A Stack of Burp Cloths
Baby Boy Quilt using Fox Trails (recently purchased)
Sock Monkey Quilt
Denyse Schmidt Home Dec Fabric Wall Hanging Quilt
Making a bunch of clutches.