I know that several of you have figured out this method already and have even posted basic directions in the Flickr group and online. In no way do I mean to step on anyone's toes, and only hope to provide a visual step by step to this already great award winning tutorial. If you have any tips or tricks in regards to this tutorial, feel free to add them in the comments section.
Triple-Zip Pouch - Alternate Ending Tutorial
There are two main reasons for not stitching over the zipper. First, it is easier not to stitch over all that bulk. Second, by not stitching over the zipper, once you turn your pouch, it allows for you to push out those top corners further than you could if you had stitched over the zipper. Creating a nice square pouch. If you choose to stitch over the zipper in one continuous line (it can be done.) Be sure to go slowly, and to push the zipper itself towards the main body fabric and two pocket linings. This method creates more of a "rounded corner look" when you turn the pouch later on, which some deem as a slight downfall, but it is totally up to you and your preferences.