This month's bee blocks contained quite the variety of blocks and techniques, which was really nice. First up (above) is for "Bannermkr" in the Quilting newBEES group. This block was so easy and utilized a really cool tube sewing technique, the tutorial can be found HERE. It was so easy to construct and seriously was the simplest block I have made in quite some time. This will be a lovely Christmas quilt. Next up are two blocks for "justabitfrayed" in the Bee Connected group. This is a pattern that I have had "favorited" for a while called Garden Fence and I wanted to make myself, the tutorial can be found HERE. These blocks were simple and straight forward, and she used the lovely Ruby line of fabrics, that I have now fallen hard for! So pretty! Oh, and I swear these blocks weren't that wrinkly in real life! Last but certainly not least, these lovely hexagon flowers are for "kristina.withak" in the Always Bee Learning group. I have basted hexagons around a template before, but never actually hand sewn them together. A great tutorial can be found HERE. I was quite pleased with my results and you can't even see the stitching from the front (which is the point, but I was excited that it actually did turn out that way!) I made these in two nights while watching TV and they provided some great hand work while zoning out in front of the boob tube! The fabric for these flowers is Amy Butler's Soul Blossoms and this will be quite the stunning quilt. I do know for sure now that making a few of these babies is great, but the idea of a whole quilt makes my head hurt, and I highly doubt I ever will be trying that amazing feat!
11/18/2011 09:39:44 am
Always love a hexie - beautiful; and Brenda is going to have a great quilt too.
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Marci GirlA feisty mom designing, sewing and blogging her way through everyday life!