Giveaway is closed! Feel free to comment, but everything after #604 will not be included in the drawing. Thanks to everyone who entered.
5 fat quarters of Denyse Schmidt's latest line of fabrics available at JoAnn's Fabric Stores.
1 Louise Pleated Wristlet PDF Pattern by Marci Girl Designs, emailed directly to you.
2 fat quarters of Heather Ross's latest Out of Print line from Spoonflower.
Awesome right? You can't even get those Heather Ross prints anymore, and the Denyse Schmidt prints are rapidly getting very hard to find! Even better, you get an awesome pattern (from my shop) that you can use all these great fabrics to create a super cute clutch for yourself, or an awesome lady in your life!
1. Leave a comment, and in that comment answer this question, "What is your absolute favorite movie of all time?" (1 Entry)
2. If you are currently a blog follower, and have added your little photo to the Google Friend Connect widget to the right, you get an extra entry. If you are a follower through Google Reader (and I know there are quite a few of you out there) just add your photo to the widget and leave a comment that you did so. And if you want to become a brand new follower, just add your photo to that same little widget, and leave me a comment that you are a new follower! (1 Entry for Either of These 3 Options)
You have a total of 2 chances to win! Just leave a separate comment for each. Make sure you fill in the Email spot, so that I have a way to contact you if you win! If I am unable to contact you, I will pick another winner. The giveaway closes on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at midnight. Thursday morning, I will pick a winner via a Random Number Generator, and will send you an email letting you know that you won, and requesting your mailing address! Good luck and thanks so much for visiting!