I've been such a slacker in regards to showing off my blocks for the great bee (Always Bee Learning) that I am in, such great ladies and they deserve to see their blocks before I mail them, so I do apologize to them for that. Some of these blocks were late...sorry about that too, but a few were really early, so the good cancels out the bad, right? I hope so. First up is a rainbow technicolor paper pieced block for QuiltGenius (Mary.) The name of this block is the Basketweave Braid Star Block and the tutorial is by The ADD Crafter and the directions can be found HERE. She sent a wide variety of scraps, warm for the weave and cool for the outside pieces, other than that, we were free to do what we wanted with the block. I can't honestly say that I was successful with this block. Yes, I was technically successful, it came together rather easily and measured the right size (12.5" x 12.5".) I'm just not sure I was successful with an eye pleasing layout, it is not one of my favorites for sure. Maybe I shouldn't have paired the yellow with the blue and so on, who knows, but there isn't anything I can do about it now. I would have preferred to sew it together like the photo below, I like the color placement better this way. ![]() This set of improv Polaroid blocks were for flickrDeb50 (Debbie.) She hosted a Polaroid block swap last year, so she received a HUGE amount of Polaroid blocks herself. She decided to send us the Polaroids, an assortment of B&W prints and pretty much gave us free reign (she did create an inspiration gallery for some ideas.) Most of the group stuck with a normal layout for their block, with three rows of three. Of course I couldn't follow the "rules" and created the block above. I used the extra fabric and Polaroids to create the block on the left side. Debbie is still trying to figure out how to layout this quilt and I sure hope that my blocks are not the ones holding her up! I don't remember the exact size of these, but I remember them being somewhere in the 17.5" tall range? Maybe? Interested in making your own Polaroid blocks? You can find the tutorial HERE at CapitolaQuilter's blog. These blocks were for celestejohnson2008 (Celeste) back in June She gave us basic instructions and sent us strips of fabric that we sewed together first, used a template to cut into triangles and then pieced them together in whatever pattern we wanted. The hexagons are not sewed together, just the top row and bottom row, this way you can piece the quilt in long rows, without any complicated piecing. Here are the six "blocks" that I sent to her. These were super simple and fun! Click HERE to see how a whole bunch of them look on her design board. Fabulous! These blocks were for kristina.withak (Kristina) and were designed by Lee of Freshly Pieced. Lee named this quilt block "Sparkler" and the pattern can be purchased HERE. I loved making these and this pattern is super simple and stunning. Kristina sent us the fabric cut and ready to sew. I love this quilt in solids and honestly would love to make one myself one day, it is just so pretty and modern. I can't wait to see what Kristina does with them. They measure 12.5" x 12.5" and I think this would be a great quilt for a beginner who is willing to try half square triangles. This last set is for hehehe922 (Megan.) Unfortunately, I did send these blocks late. I'm not sure why it took me so long to get around to them, but once I did, I loved making them. Now I didn't go for any complicated design, just simple straight forward arrows, which was what she requested and shared this great inspirational photo HERE. No directions, just improv, which I have discovered that I LOVE doing. I made these four blocks and they are all pretty large, though I didn't measure them when I was finished, but I want to say that the two up top were around 14" tall. I hope Megan likes them, I certainly liked making them and was pretty happy with the finished product! Well that is it for now folks, at the moment I am caught up and hopefully it doesn't take me five months to post the next set!
Flying Blind
9/18/2013 07:59:30 am
That's one load of clever blocks!!
9/20/2013 04:42:36 pm
It is such a fun bee, your blocks are all lovely. I am glad that I get to be in a bee with you.
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Marci GirlA feisty mom designing, sewing and blogging her way through everyday life!