Book: City Sampler 100 Modern Quilt Blocks by Tula Pink
Quilt Along: Hosted by Sara over at Sew Sweetness
Flickr Group:
Blocks: 6.5" x 6.5" Featuring the fabric line Constellations by Lizzy House.
I am at the point in which I start sharing my blocks out of order, just to be "caught up." Hope you don't mind, these are the blocks from last week and this week. My next post may be blocks from a few weeks ago, I just wanted to be in the present with these things! I have through block #70 done, just not the time to blog about them, so I'll probably never show off just three, but always six, this way if you have no interest in this sort of thing, don't read these posts! HA! These first three blocks, ughh...two of them made me pull out my hair. I am hoping they are the hardest of the book and that they are now behind me. Block #49 was simple enough, no complaints, though I will say that I did not enjoy this triangles chapter, just not very enjoyable and certainly more time consuming than all the other blocks made so far. So then we move onto block #50. The triangles were a breeze, but I unpicked those middle lines more than I care to admit, had puckers and ended with puckers. I gave up and just let it be. Then when I added the bottom and top rows, the middle section wasn't the right size, so they stick out, yuck, yuck, yuck. And yep, I'm leaving it. So I have one totally crap block in the quilt, oh well. Then there was block #51, below, this one wasn't as bad, but I'm not going to lie, those flying geese are wonky as heck. Stitched together it doesn't look so bad, but it is. Moving on. I do like my fabric choices for these blocks, so one positive. The next three, blocks #52 - 54 were pretty simple, I had no major problems and I have points on my triangles, so that is all that matters, right? I really like #54, one of my favorites for sure! Wondering what all of this is about? Here are the details:
Book: City Sampler 100 Modern Quilt Blocks by Tula Pink Quilt Along: Hosted by Sara over at Sew Sweetness Flickr Group: Blocks: 6.5" x 6.5" Featuring the fabric line Constellations by Lizzy House.
Marci GirlA feisty mom designing, sewing and blogging her way through everyday life!