I had a little discussion with my Doctor on Monday regarding the fact that I had my first son prematurely at 35-36 weeks. I basically was asking if I had my first son early, what are the chances that would happen again with this pregnancy. I fully expected him to say that every pregnancy is different and you never know. But.....instead he said the odds were really good that I would have this one prematurely as well. I wasn't expecting that. So we are now mentally preparing for this baby to be born around Christmas instead of his January 28 due date. We would rather be mentally prepared (and physically prepared house wise) for an early birth than be totally surprised like we were with our first. If I carry him longer, great (and we are really hoping for that) but, I am no longer going to be delusional that it won't happen early again. This being said, I will be a little more vacant from my blog, preparing for not only the holidays, but also the arrival of our new baby boy. I'm not disappearing, I just have to shift around my priorities at this point, and unfortunately it does involve a lot less sewing....BOO! And yes, i am really sad about that aspect of this whole thing. But what can you do?
The good news is that since I am having another little boy, we virtually have everything we need already, and I spent the day yesterday washing little baby clothes and organizing. It is amazing to me that even though my first son wore all those items of clothing, I didn't even remember half of them, so I guess that says more about a new mom's frame of mind at the beginning! HAHA Wish me luck on my numerous projects and my one big really important one!